Seth Godin on Doubt

entrpreneurs doubt emotions

The path of entrepreneurship is challenging. Sometimes we forget that the  entrepreneurial mindset tends to look at the world through a unique lens. Whether it’s thinking about mission above all else, or about probabilities and asymmetric risks or rewards, founders are wired a bit differently.

Seth Godin is an entrepreneur and his thoughts on living with doubt resonated with me:

[Living with doubt] is almost always more profitable than living with certainty.

People don’t like doubt, so they pay money and give up opportunities to avoid it. Entrepreneurship is largely about living with doubt, as is creating just about any sort of art.

If you need reassurance, you’re giving up quite a bit to get it.

On the other hand, if you can get in the habit of seeking out uncertainty, you’ll have developed a great instinct.

Seth Godin


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